Category Archives: peony garden

A great season for Peonies at Peony Farm

What a great season we’ve had at Peony Farm.  In addition to plentiful, beautiful peonies and a sunny weather – we enjoyed seeing our old friends, and got to meet their family members and new friends in the garden.  It’s also a pleasure to meet people taking a short trip to Sequim, or vacationing  in the Olympic Peninsula.

I love sharing ideas with visitors about the peony culture.  I so enjoy the oohs and aahs and exclamations about the wonderful atmosphere the garden offers to one and all alike!

This year, our local newspaper The Peninsula Daily News honored us. They featured an article about Peony Farm,  you can read it here:

As a result of this article,  residents from Sequim, and outlying communities came to visit and congratulated us for being selected by Garden Design Magazine for their Spring 2016 issue.

I, for one, am looking forward to Garden Design Spring 2016 issue!

The peonies are done blooming and until next blooming season, we bid our friends “so long”.

If you’ve missed coming down to visit with us,  you can still view the beautiful peonies in color at Peony Farm 2015 Catalog.    This also affords you the ability to place an order before your selection is all sold out.


Blooming days for Peonies

Peony lovers all over the USA, including me, count the days every year when the Peonies are blooming.


From May 15 to June 28, Peony Farm is once again opening its farm to the public for the much awaited blooming of the peonies. During this 2 months window, peonies of different blooming periods (there are 7 of them) will be opening 7-10 days apart. This is why some peony lovers choose different varieties in order to enjoy an extended blooming period.

Peony Farm Peonies on Parade
Peonies on Parade – blooming time at Peony Farm , WA


Peony Farm will be posting photos of peonies in bloom at:
Peony Farm facebook

To ensure that your selection is reserved, place your order early as they move pretty fast. Also, check out the new selections coming this fall at the website Peony Farm.

Peony Passion high at Peony Farm

Peony Passion was the driving force into the formation of Peony Farm.

Now celebrating our 5th Year,  we are even more so enthusiastic about growing peonies.
PF 5th yr photoOur customers and the response we receive both online and onsite are very rewarding.    Seeing the peonies grow vigorously and visitors and customers alike enjoying the beautiful peonies is very satisfying.

peonies ready for shipmentWe serve customers passionate about peonies, locally and all over the US.

Garden Club visitWe’ve become a destination point in the Pacific Northwest.   Visitors from all over the world, local friends and garden clubs come to see the peonies during our Annual Peonies on Parade event during the months of May and June.

Peony Farms Thank YouThank You for your patronage and support!


What a hectic 2 months it had been!  Peonies are being readied for Fall Shipments.

We were digging peonies, diving peonies, pulling customer orders, packaging and shipping them to their new owners!!!…and still are!

dug peoniesnewly dug peonies ready for division

tent full of roots2 tents full of divided peony roots


packaging peonies for shipmentcustomer orders pulled, being packaged


peonies ready for shipmentpackages of peonies waiting for the pick-up by the postman

It is wonderful to know that these peonies will be growing soon in gardens all over the USA, giving pleasure to our customers for years to come.

Kansas rowHappy Planting You All!!!

Visiting the farm during Peony blooming season

Viewing bench surrounded by Peonies
Viewing bench surrounded by luscious Peonies

During the months of May and June,  we open the gates so that visitors can come and visit the peonies in bloom.   Visitors from the Sequim Chamber of Commerce, local residents’ visiting family and friends, people visiting the Olympic Peninsula or the Twilight site of Edward and Bella – our customers, their family and visitors delight us with stories about their own peonies.


henry sass duo
Heavenly Peonies at Peony Farm


I’ve always felt that a visit to the Peony Farm is a way to de-stress, because of the comments we receive.  They delight in the peace and beauty surrounding the farm, the fragrance wafting in the air from the peony blossoms and the variety of peonies.  They are amazed to discover that there are some many varieties available.

Picnic at the Farm
Delightful Picnic at Peony Farm

Even non-peony lovers go home with a plant or two to bring back with them memories of their visit.

Garden Club visit
Garden club members visiting the farm
Angels visiting the farm
Angels visiting the farm

And, surprise of surprise, upon visiting the Butchart Garden in Victoria, BC, they discovered that Peony Farm is  only 20  miles from the Port Angeles ferry!  Definitely, Peony Farm is becoming a destination venue for people visiting the Olympic Peninsula along with Olympic National Park, Olympic National Forest, Hoh Rain Forest – check out venues at Destination at the Olympic Peninsula.

Do plan your visit next year! on our Annual Peonies on Parade.


Peonies Fall Care

>With Fall around the corner,  thought I’d share the 4 part video regarding the care of the different classes of peonies that is posted on our website: Peonies Fall Care

As you scroll down towards the middle of the page, you will see the different videos for each category.
Please note that the care for the Tree Peony is somewhat different from the other peonies and if you have tree peonies, please really pay attention.

Peonies Fall Care overview

PEONY FALL CARE – a 4 Part Video Presentation

  • Video 1:  Overview – Why   

      Steps to take to put your peonies to bed for fall –

Peony Fall CAre @ Peony Farm

  • Video 2:  Herbaceous Peonies
  • Video 3:  Itoh Peonies
  • Video 4:  Tree Peonies
Tree Peonies Fall Care of Peony Farm
How to take care of Tree Peonies in the Fall


Follow Us on:    Facebook for the latest news about the Peony Farm Gardens.

For more information of the different varieties of peonies available, check us out at

Pink Peonies, Pretty in Pink

One of my favorite things to do when the peonies are done blooming is to go over the photos I’ve taken during the blooming season.

How pretty the pink peonies are. Field of pink peonies, doubles, semi-doubles, and some singles.

Sarah BernhardtKansas row cropped-beautiful-senorita-shrunk15.jpgPeople have asked me time and again, which is my favorite. And as I start the selection process, i realize what an impossible task that is.

I love peonies and there isn’t a single one in my farm that ranks higher than the other. Used to think it’s  Monsieur Jules Elie, then it’s Princess Margaret, now I’m leaning toward Walter Faxon!

the fawn petal detailSEASHELL 613JUNE ROSE 608lavon sky 1000mons jules rect fotoANGEL CHEEKS HUGE

Whichever one it is, one thing rings true. Peonies are pretty in Pink. Just ask any peony lover.
Find a huge selection of Pink Peonies at Peony Farm


Summer time at Peony Gardens

Summer is that time of the year when Peonies continue to grow underground.    Although you don’t need a lot of water, it is essential to water the peonies during these dry, hot months of summer.

Just at the end of the blooming season, Chris, my sister – harvested the rest of the blooming peonies and created some gorgeous arrangements with them.

Chris bucketful of peonies croppedBy the way,  for further information about the care of the peonies – you can go to our website at Peony Farm.

Also,  ordering peonies for delivery this Fall 2014 is still available at: Peony Gardens 24/7 Online Shopping Cart.


Planting Peonies before Spring

How do you plant Peonies when the ground is frozen?

This is a question we normally don’t encounter.  However, last November 2013, we have some peonies left in the cooler, which we are shipping to customers now and through March.

Bare Root Peonies at Peony Farm

So, how do you plant peonies when the ground is frozen? especially when roots are sprouting?

First, let establish that peonies require 400-500 cold hours.  That means,  they will survive freezing and snowing temperatures.  They are hardy plants.

So, when your soil is frozen, and some areas are still experiencing fall,  I’ve been told that you can keep the roots in the refrigerator for a little bit, until you are able to dig and work the soil.  You should do this even if you know that this is only a respite, and your area will experience freeze and snow again.

Mulching Peony roots that have sprouted.

Peonies with sprouts

If the roots you received have sprouts, protect them with a light
mulch. And just like the treatment of the mulch you put on tree
peonies, remove the mulch after the first frost.

Pot the Peonies.

Lastly, as I
indicated to a customer, if you have to wait a long time to plant your
peonies, plant them in a plastic pot, filled with peat moss, not potting
soil. Leave the pot outside in the snow and rain. They will benefit
from it.

Replant into the ground when the soil is workable making
sure not to disturb the peony plant too much. Cut the sides of the pot
so that you can slide the it out into your prepared planting site.

Join the Peony Festival at Peony Farm

Peony Festival at Peony Farm, WA

Please do visit us at the sites below for current availability.
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Plant Sanitation for Healthy Peonies

Plant Sanitation

One of the keys to the successful planting and growing of fine Peonies is Plant Sanitation.

The WSU Whatcom County of Master Gardeners issued such an article May 1st.  (

What to Consider in the Care of Peonies

Disease.  To prevent disease make sure your garden is kept clean, that air circulates, and that plants are kept healthy. Messenger™ and Neptune’s Harvest™ are two organic products to keep your plants healthy and disease resistant.

Botrytis – young stalks wilt and die, buds turn black. Onset is in early spring when temperatures remain below 70 degrees. Botrytis will kill tree and herbaceous peonies if not treated. Botrytis thrives in cool humid conditions and can be minimized by planting peonies where they have good air circulation. When noticed, cut off diseased portions of the plant, dipping the pruners in a 10% solution of bleach between each cutting to ensure the disease does not spread. Throw out the diseased portions; do not compost.

A more aggressive option would be to use systemic fungicide labeled for use on peonies.Check with your local cooperative extension.

Leaf blotch develops during warm, moist weather. Glossy, dark purple spots form on the upper surfaces of leaves. Again, removal of infected leaves and good fall cleanup are necessary for control. Avoid overhead irrigation.

Spent Flowers.

Remove flowers as soon as they fade to prevent seed development, which can use up needed food reserves.

The faded flower should be removed just below the flower, leaving as much foliage as possible.

Clip off spent flower stems , cutting on the inside.

To keep the bush looking beautiful, make your cut well inside the plant, so you don’t see the cut-off tips.

Lush foliage is providing ongoing growth to root.

Plant Sanitation procedures that must be observed for Peonies as well:

Removing Completely Dead Plants
Trees, shrubs, and other plants which have died or are about to die should be removed entirely, including the root system. See disposal procedures on the last page. Such plants could have root rot or similar problems caused by disease organisms. If a disease organism is involved, the soil and plant are contaminated with the organism. Precautions in addition to plant removal and disposal should be taken.

Do not move contaminated soil to other areas. Watch for soil clinging to shovels, boots, stakes, etc. 

After plant removal, sterilize tools used to remove and cut up the plant. Clean boots, stakes, etc., which contacted the soil.

Do not plant the same kind of plant or related plants in the contaminated area unless the soil is fumigated first or completely replaced with uncontaminated soil. Even so, it is difficult to completely eliminate disease organisms from the soil.

With potted plants, place the plant and soil in the garbage. Remove soil crumbs clinging to the pot and saucer, and sterilize the pot and saucer if they are to be saved. If not, place them in the garbage. Sterilize pots and saucers by soaking them in a solution of 1 part household bleach to 9 parts water for 30 minutes. Sometimes a solution of equal parts of bleach and water is suggested for 30 minutes. If the higher bleach concentration is used, rinse items in clean water after soaking. Caution: Bleach can discolor metal and clothing. Contaminated tools, stakes, etc., should be sterilized (see below) or placed in the garbage.

Sterilizing Tools If a diseased or dead plant part is cut, the disease organism will probably be on the tool and could be spread to healthy parts when cut. Thus, sterilize tools (shears, knives, saws, chisels, axes, etc. by washing in soap and water and swabbing in rubbing alcohol) before using on healthy plant parts . Allow to dry. If practical, contaminated shovels and other digging tools should be sterilized. If not, wash them. If hands are used to pinch off or handle affected plant parts, wash hands before handling healthy plant parts.

Disposing of Diseased or Dead Plants and Plant Parts Whole plants, branches, twigs, chips, shavings, root pieces, and other plant debris should be placed in the garbage, burned, or taken to the dump. Do not compost them. Diseased fallen leaves and needles should also be destroyed. Annual plants which normally die each autumn need not be destroyed if there is no reason to suspect any problem.