Planting Peonies before Spring

How do you plant Peonies when the ground is frozen?

This is a question we normally don’t encounter.  However, last November 2013, we have some peonies left in the cooler, which we are shipping to customers now and through March.

Bare Root Peonies at Peony Farm

So, how do you plant peonies when the ground is frozen? especially when roots are sprouting?

First, let establish that peonies require 400-500 cold hours.  That means,  they will survive freezing and snowing temperatures.  They are hardy plants.

So, when your soil is frozen, and some areas are still experiencing fall,  I’ve been told that you can keep the roots in the refrigerator for a little bit, until you are able to dig and work the soil.  You should do this even if you know that this is only a respite, and your area will experience freeze and snow again.

Mulching Peony roots that have sprouted.

Peonies with sprouts

If the roots you received have sprouts, protect them with a light
mulch. And just like the treatment of the mulch you put on tree
peonies, remove the mulch after the first frost.

Pot the Peonies.

Lastly, as I
indicated to a customer, if you have to wait a long time to plant your
peonies, plant them in a plastic pot, filled with peat moss, not potting
soil. Leave the pot outside in the snow and rain. They will benefit
from it.

Replant into the ground when the soil is workable making
sure not to disturb the peony plant too much. Cut the sides of the pot
so that you can slide the it out into your prepared planting site.

Join the Peony Festival at Peony Farm

Peony Festival at Peony Farm, WA

Please do visit us at the sites below for current availability.
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