The peonies are blooming now and what a riot of color and fragrance that is!
Visitors to the farm/gardens are amazed at the beauty they see . The flowers in bloom are indeed gorgeous and a sight to behold. And for our locals, those who had not visited the farm before were astounded that we have been at this location for over 5 years now and the number of peony varieties planted (over 2,500 peonies).
Alhambra Peony TreeAnna Marie Tree Peony at Peony Farm, WACora Louise bud, beginning to unfurlStunning Coral CharmBeautiful Senorita at Peony Farm what a delightCoral Charm in the Peony Farm fieldsFirst Arrival Itoh peonyWalter Mains peony at Peony Farm, WAJulia Rose Itoh Peony, at Peony Farm, WAHephestos Tree Peony at Peony Farm, WA loads of buds this yearRoyal Robe tree peony, Peony Farm, WA glorious color!Come visit the peonies at Peony FarmLooking for that special peony for your garden? Come visit us at Peony Farm
The gardens will be open to the public until June 28. 2015 from 11am to 4pm. Do come and visit!
Peony lovers all over the USA, including me, count the days every year when the Peonies are blooming.
From May 15 to June 28, Peony Farm is once again opening its farm to the public for the much awaited blooming of the peonies. During this 2 months window, peonies of different blooming periods (there are 7 of them) will be opening 7-10 days apart. This is why some peony lovers choose different varieties in order to enjoy an extended blooming period.
Peonies on Parade – blooming time at Peony Farm , WA
Peony Farm will be posting photos of peonies in bloom at:
Peony Farm facebook
To ensure that your selection is reserved, place your order early as they move pretty fast. Also, check out the new selections coming this fall at the website Peony Farm.
You can usually see the tell tale signs of spring when you see the pink and red eyes breaking ground. The peonies have survived yet another winter!
The peonies are sprouting now and it’s delightful to see stems developing from those pink eyes. The very early to early varieties have as much as 12 inches of growth.
It is also delightful to see the plump leaf buds forming on the tree peonies! They’ve weathered the fall conditions and are doing beautifully.
Check out how plump the developing eye of Henry Bockstoce is, as it breaks ground
I’ve also added some new varieties this year and will be posting the pictures shortly.
Hope you are having fun discovering the new growths in your gardens!
Peony Passion was the driving force into the formation of Peony Farm.
Now celebrating our 5th Year, we are even more so enthusiastic about growing peonies. Our customers and the response we receive both online and onsite are very rewarding. Seeing the peonies grow vigorously and visitors and customers alike enjoying the beautiful peonies is very satisfying.
We serve customers passionate about peonies, locally and all over the US.
We’ve become a destination point in the Pacific Northwest. Visitors from all over the world, local friends and garden clubs come to see the peonies during our Annual Peonies on Parade event during the months of May and June.
During the months of May and June, we open the gates so that visitors can come and visit the peonies in bloom. Visitors from the Sequim Chamber of Commerce, local residents’ visiting family and friends, people visiting the Olympic Peninsula or the Twilight site of Edward and Bella – our customers, their family and visitors delight us with stories about their own peonies.
Heavenly Peonies at Peony Farm
I’ve always felt that a visit to the Peony Farm is a way to de-stress, because of the comments we receive. They delight in the peace and beauty surrounding the farm, the fragrance wafting in the air from the peony blossoms and the variety of peonies. They are amazed to discover that there are some many varieties available.
Delightful Picnic at Peony Farm
Even non-peony lovers go home with a plant or two to bring back with them memories of their visit.
THROUGH THE LENSGarden club members visiting the farmAngels visiting the farm
And, surprise of surprise, upon visiting the Butchart Garden in Victoria, BC, they discovered that Peony Farm is only 20 miles from the Port Angeles ferry! Definitely, Peony Farm is becoming a destination venue for people visiting the Olympic Peninsula along with Olympic National Park, Olympic National Forest, Hoh Rain Forest – check out venues at Destination at the Olympic Peninsula.
Do plan your visit next year! on our Annual Peonies on Parade.
>With Fall around the corner, thought I’d share the 4 part video regarding the care of the different classes of peonies that is posted on our website: Peonies Fall Care
As you scroll down towards the middle of the page, you will see the different videos for each category.
Please note that the care for the Tree Peony is somewhat different from the other peonies and if you have tree peonies, please really pay attention.
PEONY FALL CARE – a 4 Part Video Presentation
Video 1: Overview – Why
Steps to take to put your peonies to bed for fall –
Video 2: Herbaceous Peonies
Video 3: Itoh Peonies
Video 4: Tree Peonies
How to take care of Tree Peonies in the Fall
Follow Us on: Facebook for the latest news about the Peony Farm Gardens.
For more information of the different varieties of peonies available, check us out at
One of my favorite things to do when the peonies are done blooming is to go over the photos I’ve taken during the blooming season.
How pretty the pink peonies are. Field of pink peonies, doubles, semi-doubles, and some singles.
People have asked me time and again, which is my favorite. And as I start the selection process, i realize what an impossible task that is.
I love peonies and there isn’t a single one in my farm that ranks higher than the other. Used to think it’s Monsieur Jules Elie, then it’s Princess Margaret, now I’m leaning toward Walter Faxon!
Whichever one it is, one thing rings true. Peonies are pretty in Pink. Just ask any peony lover.
Find a huge selection of Pink Peonies at Peony Farm
I just posted on my facebook page Coral Charm Peony photo. It is so gorgeous. And just in case you don’t do facebook, I had to do a blog to make sure you see this outstanding photo of the coral peony growing at the farm. Didn’t want you to miss out!
Coral Charm peony, on of the coral peonies blooming at the Peony Farm, is outstanding. Not only in the gorgeous blossoms, but also in stem strength and the length of time it stays in the field. This is true of Pink Hawaiian Coral as well. You can choose either one and they are equally outstanding.
Here are some photos for your enjoyment.
Coral Peonies at Peony Farm
Coral Charm
Coral Sunset
Cutting flowersPink Hawaiian Coral on the walkwayCoral n Gold
Any of these coral peonies will make a great selection for the home garden and flowers for the home.
Summer is that time of the year when Peonies continue to grow underground. Although you don’t need a lot of water, it is essential to water the peonies during these dry, hot months of summer.
Just at the end of the blooming season, Chris, my sister – harvested the rest of the blooming peonies and created some gorgeous arrangements with them.
By the way, for further information about the care of the peonies – you can go to our website at Peony Farm.
Also, ordering peonies for delivery this Fall 2014 is still available at: Peony Gardens 24/7 Online Shopping Cart.