During the months of May and June, we open the gates so that visitors can come and visit the peonies in bloom. Visitors from the Sequim Chamber of Commerce, local residents’ visiting family and friends, people visiting the Olympic Peninsula or the Twilight site of Edward and Bella – our customers, their family and visitors delight us with stories about their own peonies.
Heavenly Peonies at Peony Farm
I’ve always felt that a visit to the Peony Farm is a way to de-stress, because of the comments we receive. They delight in the peace and beauty surrounding the farm, the fragrance wafting in the air from the peony blossoms and the variety of peonies. They are amazed to discover that there are some many varieties available.
Delightful Picnic at Peony Farm
Even non-peony lovers go home with a plant or two to bring back with them memories of their visit.
THROUGH THE LENSGarden club members visiting the farmAngels visiting the farm
And, surprise of surprise, upon visiting the Butchart Garden in Victoria, BC, they discovered that Peony Farm is only 20 miles from the Port Angeles ferry! Definitely, Peony Farm is becoming a destination venue for people visiting the Olympic Peninsula along with Olympic National Park, Olympic National Forest, Hoh Rain Forest – check out venues at Destination at the Olympic Peninsula.
Do plan your visit next year! on our Annual Peonies on Parade.
One of my favorite things to do when the peonies are done blooming is to go over the photos I’ve taken during the blooming season.
How pretty the pink peonies are. Field of pink peonies, doubles, semi-doubles, and some singles.
People have asked me time and again, which is my favorite. And as I start the selection process, i realize what an impossible task that is.
I love peonies and there isn’t a single one in my farm that ranks higher than the other. Used to think it’s Monsieur Jules Elie, then it’s Princess Margaret, now I’m leaning toward Walter Faxon!
Whichever one it is, one thing rings true. Peonies are pretty in Pink. Just ask any peony lover.
Find a huge selection of Pink Peonies at Peony Farm
Summer is that time of the year when Peonies continue to grow underground. Although you don’t need a lot of water, it is essential to water the peonies during these dry, hot months of summer.
Just at the end of the blooming season, Chris, my sister – harvested the rest of the blooming peonies and created some gorgeous arrangements with them.
By the way, for further information about the care of the peonies – you can go to our website at Peony Farm.
Also, ordering peonies for delivery this Fall 2014 is still available at: Peony Gardens 24/7 Online Shopping Cart.
So sad to see the Peony Farm after all the peony blossoms had been deadheaded. All those gorgeous, beautiful flowers gone.
However, my husband was quick to remind me, that we still have all the peony shrubbery dotting the landscape. And, fortunately, I planted the entrance beds with peony companion plants such as Nasturtiums, Roses, Lilies, Hydrangeas, Eremurus, Hebes, Japanese Maple, Irises, Boxwood and other trees.
These are now providing the color for the farm. Check out the video created by my sister, Christina. Click on “The Peonies are gone” above.
By the way, we are still taking orders for bare root peonies of these lovely scented peonies for shipment this Fall 2014. You can find a great selection at www.shopilovepeonies.com
Each year we are graced by people who come to visit the farm. They bring with them their enthusiasm for peonies, their knowledge and experience and most of all, their friendship.
They are full of appreciation of the beauty and variety of peonies growing at Peony Farm.
My husband Michael and I alternately greet them, along with
our mascots, CZ and Kitty.
So again, thank you and we hope that you enjoyed your visit this season. We are looking forward to your next visit.
The Annual Peonies on Parade hosted by Peony Farm ended June 29, 2014. However, the colorful memory of the peonies in bloom is still fresh in our mind. The remaining peony blossoms we harvested, from which my sister, Christina, wove her magic and created beautiful peony arrangements surrounded us for the week of the 4th of July.
Peony Farm is Awash with Color, peony flowers, and it is a sight to behold.
Awash in Color
The Peony Teapot3 arrangementsGarden Treasure Itoh PeoniesPeonies in a Blue VaseCant have enough Peonies
Until next year, we have these pictures to remind of 2014, where the peonies were exceptionally beautiful.
This year marks the 4th year of Peony Farm’s participation at the Soroptimist Gala Garden Show.
We look forward to the event with excitement because this event will also be the 1st year that Peony Farm brings bare root peonies at the show to make more peonies available to our visiting friends.
To name a few, we will bring some ITOHS such as Bartzella, First Arrival, Cora Louise, Garden Treasure, Scarlet Heaven.
We will also bring herbaceous peonies not available at the local nurseries and box office store such as Coral Charm, Buckeye Belle, Pink Hawaiian Coral, Do Tell, Doreen, Orchid Anne, Seashell and the beautiful Sarah Bernhardt, to delight your gardening fantasies.
So, come and visit with us and see what we are talking about. Mark the dates
Soroptimist Gala Garden Show
Saturday, March 15, 2014/ 9am to 5pm
Sunday, March 16, 2014/ 10am to 4pm
Sequim Boys & Girls Club, 400 W. Fir Street, Sequim, WA
As a gardener growing peonies for retail sales, I am a novice. And, I am so grateful to have someone who has been in the business a long time to extend a kindly hand and educate me in the finer points of the business.
Yes, growing them for fun is a lot easier. As a peony grower, there is a lot to learn. Use of planting space, rotation, planting for the following year’s sale, growing healthy peony roots, making sure that the picture I am posting is the variety that I am describing, and on and on.
Bottom Line: I don’t know what I don’t know. And talking with Don, I get these little nuggets of wisdom.
Don Hollingsworth of Hollingsworth Nursery is the kind man I am speaking of. Not only is he kind, he is also a fountain of peony information. Thank You Don!
Peony Farm, Sequim, WA is expecting delivery of beautiful, new varieties of peonies mid September this year. This addition is in inline with Peony Farm’s goal to make more varieties of peonies available locally.
Varieties like Amalia Olson, Henry Bockstoce, Lavon and Petticoat Flounce are among the herbaceous peonies; Cora Louise is the newest itoh peony addition; Ruffled Sunset and Godaishu tops the list among the Tree Peonies.
Petticoat Flounce is creating quite a stir and is much in demand on the Pre-Order. Bartzella Itoh peony, however, with its lush shrub and big,vibrant yellow flowers captured a lot of people’s attention while Red Charm peony wowed the visitors with its extraordinary luscious red flowers.
Here are some photos. You can view more of the peonies collection at: Herbaceous Peonies at Peony Farm
Peonies On Parade
On another note, Peony Farm experienced quite a turnout in this years’ Peony on Parade. The visitors were rewarded with a view of the beautiful, dazzling peonies in bloom. Although the peonies were late in blooming due to the weather, visitors just came back to visit when the blooms finally arrived. And they were rewarded to see quite a variety of peonies all in one place. Peony Farm carries peonies in all flower form – single, japanese, semi-double, double and bomb. And it was rewarding for the visitors to see such a variety locally, all in one place.
To view Peony Farm’s website, go to:Peonies Catalog at