Tag Archives: cutpeonyflowers

Pink Peonies, Pretty in Pink

One of my favorite things to do when the peonies are done blooming is to go over the photos I’ve taken during the blooming season.

How pretty the pink peonies are. Field of pink peonies, doubles, semi-doubles, and some singles.

Sarah BernhardtKansas row cropped-beautiful-senorita-shrunk15.jpgPeople have asked me time and again, which is my favorite. And as I start the selection process, i realize what an impossible task that is.

I love peonies and there isn’t a single one in my farm that ranks higher than the other. Used to think it’s  Monsieur Jules Elie, then it’s Princess Margaret, now I’m leaning toward Walter Faxon!

the fawn petal detailSEASHELL 613JUNE ROSE 608lavon sky 1000mons jules rect fotoANGEL CHEEKS HUGE

Whichever one it is, one thing rings true. Peonies are pretty in Pink. Just ask any peony lover.
Find a huge selection of Pink Peonies at Peony Farm


Coral Peonies

Coral Charm at Peony FarmI just posted on my facebook page Coral Charm Peony photo.  It is so gorgeous.  And just in case you don’t do facebook, I had to do a blog to make sure you see this outstanding photo of the coral peony growing at the farm.  Didn’t want you to miss out!

Coral Charm peony, on of the coral peonies blooming at the Peony Farm, is outstanding.  Not only in the gorgeous blossoms, but also in stem strength and the length of time it stays in the field.  This is true of Pink Hawaiian Coral as well.  You can choose either one and they are equally outstanding.

Here are some photos for your enjoyment.
Coral Peonies at Peony Farm

Coral Charl
Coral Charm

Coral Sunset at Peony FarmCoral Sunset

Cut flowers
Cutting  flowers
Pink Hawaiian Coral in the garden
Pink Hawaiian Coral on the walkway
Coral n Gold at Peony Farm
Coral n Gold

Any of these coral peonies will make a great selection for the home garden and flowers for the home.


Deadheading Peonies and more

What a great peony season we had.  April brought lots of sunshine with it and caused the peonies to really grow and bloom!  The flowers are bigger than they were in the past.  Visitors are awed how beautiful they were.  Rows and rows of beautiful, gleaming, colorful, gorgeous, fragrant peonies.

The 29th of June brings to a close the Annual Peonies on Parade at the Peony Farm.  Visitors who came late are saddened that they were seeing the tail end of the flowers in bloom, but still happy that they saw some still in bloom.  They were amazed at the wide variety of peonies!

Visitors who came toward the end of the season, were lucky to see almost the end of Princess Margaret,  Lavon. Bouquet Perfect,  and Avalanche.

My sister, Chris, and I gathered the last of the peony blossoms, which she arranged into my vases.  It is so great to see peony arrangements all over the house.

peony seed pod
Spent flowers need to be deadheaded so the sun’s energy can be harnessed for developing the roots more before going dormant.  Some people like for the peonies to go to seed.  However, not all peonies have fertile seed.  So, unless you know that the peony produces fertile seeds,  it’s best to cut off the spent flowers to direct the sun’s energy toward growing the root.

Deadheading is easy.  Cut just below the stem immediately below the flower.

DEADHEAD WRONG(Spent flowers cut just below the spent flower)

However,  I prefer cutting the stem in such a way that the shrub looks pretty (hiding where the cut is by cutting the stems longer till the cut is hidden in the bush).  Do this only if you have a big shrub.  Otherwise,  you wont have enough leaves to carry the suns energy to the roots.
DEADHEAD CORRECT(Spent flower cut with some stems so as to hide the cut  in the bush, creating a much better looking shrub)

At this point, you can if you want, sprinkle a little bit of fertilizer.  Avoid the crown when doing this.  Use fertilizer with close to zero nitrogen.

This is the preparatory stage to Fall, when the peonies go dormant, where you will cut the stems to at least an inch from the ground.

Order your bare root peony now for Fall delivery.

Awash with Color

The Annual Peonies on Parade hosted by Peony Farm ended June 29, 2014.  However, the colorful memory of the peonies in bloom  is still fresh in our mind.  The remaining peony blossoms we harvested, from which my sister, Christina, wove her magic and created beautiful peony arrangements surrounded us for the week of the 4th of July.

Peony Farm is Awash with Color,  peony flowers, and it is a sight to behold.

Peony Farm, Awash in Color
Awash in Color
Teapot arrangement at Peony Farm
The Peony Teapot
peony arrangements at Peony Farm
3 arrangements
garden treasure at Peony Farm
Garden Treasure Itoh Peonies
peonies in blue at Peony Farm
Peonies in a Blue Vase
3 more peony arrangements
Cant have enough Peonies

Until next year, we have these pictures to remind of 2014, where the peonies were exceptionally beautiful.

Peony Farm Website