The peonies are blooming now and what a riot of color and fragrance that is!
Visitors to the farm/gardens are amazed at the beauty they see . The flowers in bloom are indeed gorgeous and a sight to behold. And for our locals, those who had not visited the farm before were astounded that we have been at this location for over 5 years now and the number of peony varieties planted (over 2,500 peonies).
Alhambra Peony TreeAnna Marie Tree Peony at Peony Farm, WACora Louise bud, beginning to unfurlStunning Coral CharmBeautiful Senorita at Peony Farm what a delightCoral Charm in the Peony Farm fieldsFirst Arrival Itoh peonyWalter Mains peony at Peony Farm, WAJulia Rose Itoh Peony, at Peony Farm, WAHephestos Tree Peony at Peony Farm, WA loads of buds this yearRoyal Robe tree peony, Peony Farm, WA glorious color!Come visit the peonies at Peony FarmLooking for that special peony for your garden? Come visit us at Peony Farm
The gardens will be open to the public until June 28. 2015 from 11am to 4pm. Do come and visit!
I just posted on my facebook page Coral Charm Peony photo. It is so gorgeous. And just in case you don’t do facebook, I had to do a blog to make sure you see this outstanding photo of the coral peony growing at the farm. Didn’t want you to miss out!
Coral Charm peony, on of the coral peonies blooming at the Peony Farm, is outstanding. Not only in the gorgeous blossoms, but also in stem strength and the length of time it stays in the field. This is true of Pink Hawaiian Coral as well. You can choose either one and they are equally outstanding.
Here are some photos for your enjoyment.
Coral Peonies at Peony Farm
Coral Charm
Coral Sunset
Cutting flowersPink Hawaiian Coral on the walkwayCoral n Gold
Any of these coral peonies will make a great selection for the home garden and flowers for the home.