Category Archives: peony picture gallery

End of the Peony’s Blooming Season

End of the Peony’s blooming season.  The peonies are done blooming and for that brief moment in time, we enjoyed their beauty and fragrance.   The peony lovers, have, for the most part, gone over the catalogs and selected the new additions for their peony gardens. 

We will be closing the gate for this end of season  to prepare the new section of our farm where we will plant over 24 new varieties. I have ordered some exciting new additions and look forward to the next season.

I feel the somewhat slowed down and lethargic, I guess because of the 85 degree weather we’ve been having.  It is bright and sunny outside.  And I don”t know if I am feeling this way because of the high temperature, or because I am going to miss the daily visitors at the farm who bring with them such excitement and wonder about the peonies.  I suspect a little of both.

And so, until the next season,  I thank all of you who visited the farm and made it a fun event for me.
I thank all of you who purchased some peonies and assured my business moving forward to another year and helped me (with your enthusiasm) make the commitment to purchase the 24 new varieties.

There is a slideshow in this blog that might be a nice refresher of what peonies bloomed(those that I remembered to take a picture of, anyway) and how they looked like.  So, stay a little longer, if you wish and view the slideshow.